David P Stevens

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Speaker 1 0:00
The AE group and naadi 1.5 Jazz and more presents artists to watch contemporary

Jason Beatty 0:05
jazz guitarist and vocalist David Pete Stevens is playing his bucket list show this weekend in Las Vegas. He's been electrifying crowds with his funky high energy performances for nine albums. And David is coming to the gambit this Saturday for one night only David P. Stevens, welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:26
Thank you so much for having me.

Jason Beatty 0:27
It's, it's great to talk to you. We're looking forward to seeing you Saturday night at Gambit for people who are not familiar with David P. Stephens, tell us all about you.

Speaker 3 0:36
So I'm a writer, producer, but also I've been performing as artists for man. I want to say maybe 1520 years. And you know, I have about nine albums out and I've been working with some amazing people during that process.

Jason Beatty 0:52
What tell us about the journey? How did it start with album one? And what's it like making an album number nine. So

Speaker 3 0:57
the journey for me actually started I used to listen to Norman Brown. I used to listen to Nagi all those guys, Gerald Albright, and I used to dream like man one day, I'm gonna do an album like that. And so I I did my first album. You know, me I had so much fun doing it, but it wasn't. You know, it's the standard first, you know, kind of first jitters? Sure. And then, and then I just kept going from there.

Jason Beatty 1:23
Have you played in Vegas before?

Speaker 3 1:24
Vegas? This has always been bucketlist to me always wanted to do a show in Vegas. So

Jason Beatty 1:28
have you have you been to Vegas? Well

Speaker 3 1:29
before I've been to Vegas, I've been to Vegas so many times just for different shows like going to shows and then you know my son is actually a basketball player. So I go around with his team every year to bake and so this is cool for me.

Jason Beatty 1:44
So when the lights go down and your shows all over Saturday night again bed. What's David P Stephens doing in Las Vegas after he finishes Oh wow. Probably

Unknown Speaker 1:53

Jason Beatty 1:56
You're a trooper fashion. David, tell us about the single because I want to play a clip of your latest single Okay, great.

Speaker 3 2:02
The song's called after party. It made it to number six on the Billboard charts and has been playing on watercolors and on radio stations all over. So yes, the song is it's a laid back smooth song.

Speaker 3 2:29
You're listening to David P. Stevens, and I'm excited to come and play for you all in Las Vegas this weekend at Gambit

Jason Beatty 2:36
an evening with contemporary jazz guitarist and vocalist David Pete Stevens is coming to the gambit 2031 West sunset road and Henderson. This Saturday July 29 at 9pm. Find more information and tickets at AE group lv.com

Speaker 1 2:53
artists to watch find more information@kunv.org

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

David P Stevens
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