JJ Sansaverino

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The A.E. Group and 91.5 Jazz and More presents Artists to Watch. Smooth jazz icon, J.J. San Saverino has reached millions touring around the world with his unique sound and he is coming to Las Vegas for a show at Gambit. I got a chance to talk to him last week. J.J., welcome to the show.

Welcome, wonderful. Thanks for having me, Jas.

It's so great to hear your voice. We're excited to see you. J.J., for those who may not be familiar with you, tell us a little

bit about yourself. Well, Jason, it's not much to say other than I have a passion for playing guitar, writing music, and performing for people. I love to be on stage, and it's the most favorite thing that I get to do is get on stage and entertain and play music and try my best to make people happy and you know that's the core of who I am and you know what I love to do.

JJ you know you've had such a long and successful career, numerous billboard chart topping songs. If you could go back to the JJ that was first going on stage when you started your career, what advice would you give to him?

I tell people this all the time, touring and being on stage is not for everybody. I've been lucky enough that I've been on the road touring now, this is my 34th year, 34


Wow. Back when travel was not as great as it could have been, and not that it's much better these days, but being on stage is not for everybody, traveling and touring is not for everybody. It was something that I just loved doing from the beginning, and it's what I, you know, love to do more than anything still to this day. You know, it's just a great feeling of when the music is right and the audience, everything is clicking, it's a euphoria. It's the greatest feeling.

Now, I've never heard anybody describe their musical style as Benson meets Santana. Can you elaborate on that a little for me?

Well, you know, I have a smooth jazz sound but you know I like to bring a lot of world music into into my sound reggae and Latin and and I like rock music, too So I'd like to think that my music has a combination of that smooth jazz sound or R&B and soul And a little bit of that edge with some rock reggae and Latin flavor. And now JJ. I'm from New York

I'm detecting a New York accent


I'm living in Queens. I'm Brooklyn for that. I love it. See when you call somebody out on New York the accent then comes full blast I love it

Yeah, yeah, right.

Yeah. So, hey, let's play a little bit of your song right now. Tell me about tell me the story behind style and Ellie.

Well, it's a great story, I'll tell you, because it was something

that I wrote during covid and, you know, we all had a lot of time on our hands. And and I was doing a Friday night, you know, show where I was in his Facebook and Instagram show called JJ Friday Night Live. And I streamed every Friday for 60 straight weeks and I would you know write songs during the week and I would kind of try them out on my Friday show and get people's reaction and I always tell the story that little did I know July 1st 2020 when I played that demo on my Friday Night Live show that eight months later would be Billboard number one on the chart and it was a great, great, great feeling.

I love it man. What is the best part about playing shows in Las Vegas for you?

Well Vegas is just epic man. We know that. I mean, you know, coming from New York, I can't stay out there too much. It's too much bad influence. It's too much fun. But Vegas is entertainment. Vegas is cutting edge. Vegas is exciting. And you know, Vegas does it up when they do it. So that's one of the reasons I'm really excited about coming out there to this show, to get to the people and to bring my vibe and my energy to the Vegas energy and combine for the perfect storm.

What's up everybody?

This is your boy JJ Cesarino and I can't wait to see you all in Las Vegas on Saturday, August 26th at the Gambit. Make it a date and don't be late.

Billboard number one contemporary jazz guitarist, J.J. San Saverino, is coming to the Gambit in Henderson. 2031 West Sunset Road. This Saturday, August 26th. Tickets and more information are available at aegrouplv.com. are available at aegrouplv.com. Artists to watch. Find more information at kunv.org.

JJ Sansaverino
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